Three Things To Do That Should Be On Your Office Whiteboard
When you walk into work first thing in the morning, what is the first thing that you actually do?
Do you get right in there? Do you read the sports news while you have a coffee? Do you have your head in your hands?
These are some of the most common ways to get the day started. However, one reason that we start our day like this can be due to a lack of direction. We come in, we check our e-mails, and we see what the day ahead has in store for us. We deal with it, and then we go home –simple.
However, a business will never grow and improve if it works in this capacity. To become the best that your business possibly can, it needs to have clear and concise goals and plans for the future. If your office whiteboard is blank, or full of doodles and drawings, then it needs to have more affirmative information there.
Write Down Your Fears
Throughout the course of the day, our fears and inadequacies can take over leaving us a worried shell of a person. Most of these worries are never actually conquered though; they are just left to fester. The next time you get yourself into a panic, write down those anxieties on the whiteboard or in a text file on the PC.
What will this tell you?
It’ll give you an inclination right away of what your gut feeling is about the business. What could be better? Who could be better? But with the stresses of getting your work done and getting the day moving forward, actually dealing with these situations become less and less likely. Here are three things that should be on the whiteboard of your office;
The Short-Term Plan
What are you working towards this week, this month? You should be planning your near future on the whiteboard at the start of every single day, if not every week. This will help keep you motivated and if you are stuck for ideas on what to do, you will have a series of them in front of you.
These short term plans will save you from procrastinating or feeling that the business is not moving in any particular direction. As long as you have smaller tasks to be getting on with that are on the board, you are moving the business ever closer to the reality that you set out to achieve.
The Long-Term Goal
What is the objective of your short-term plan? What is its overall aim? All of your short-term plans should be taking you a step closer to this, your long-term plan and goal. The sole reason that your business is actually up and running should be the long-term goal. This gives you the ultimate motivation and a real hope that with every brick you lay in a short-term plan being completed, the long-term goal is that little bit closer to completion.
These subtle little additions to your workspace can totally change your mentality. The next time you find yourself reading the weather for the weekend for the third time in a row, look at your whiteboard for inspiration. If it’s still blank, you need to get inspired – today.